Heralding an exciting expansion of Sanuki Udon creator Seiji Fujimoto's empire in Taman Desa, Maruhi Sakaba _ loosely translated by the man himself as "secret drinking place" _ specializes in "kushi" skewers & some surprising selections.
Chicken carpaccio? These slick-slimy slivers might teeter too close to uncooked for some customers, but they taste terrific _ like raw tuna, but with a more delicate flavor & chewier bite.
Pork liver sashimi (RM6, no taxes). Full-flavored in an offal (not awful) way, muscular in texture.
Pork small intestine carpaccio with egg yolk (RM15), slippery & savory, not stinky at all.
Pork big intestine stew (RM10), steaming-hot soul food that feels nourishing to the last drop.
Risk-averse patrons can stick to the grilled skewers, which encompass everything from yakitori (a basic chicken leg serving costs RM4)...
... to greasy-juicy rolls of pork meat stuffed with red-ripe tomatoes (RM5).
Maruhi's signature "kettle cocktail" is fascinating fun, a kooky mix of shochu, angostura bitters, lime & soda water (RM45).
Maruhi Sakabar has no English-language signboard; look for this storefront on the same row as Public Bank. A Bon Jovi song might be blasting from the speakers.
Maruhi Saka Bar,
6A, Faber Plaza, Jalan Desa Jaya, Taman Desa, Kuala Lumpur.
Open 6pm-1030pm, except Mondays.
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