Momentum is mounting for Malaysia's Milkshake Revolution, with a brave new breed of beverage-makers rising to break the stranglehold of subpar shakes.
Sno is stirring things up at Pavilion, with its enthusiastically friendly team urging shoppers to "shake it your way" with customized milkshakes, blended with a sweeping selection of candy & chocolate (everything from Reese's Peanut Butter Cups to Mars bars).
We played it safe on our Sno patrol and sampled their recommended combos. This SnoSignature _ comprising vanilla ice cream mixed with Nutella & Ferrero Rocher and topped with Cadbury flakes _ was close to perfection. Creamy and chocolatey but not cloying; refreshingly chilled without being bogged by frost.
Counting calories? Yogurt-based smoothies are available, including a "SnoBerry" that features froyo with strawberries, honey & Kellogg's Frosties. Better than most breakfast cereal mixes.

We could put it this way: it's the flavor of freedom, finally, following decades of dessert oppression by the purveyors of artificial-tasting shakes with one-dimensional textures. Free at last, thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
Our next request: alcohol-laced shakes, please!
Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur.
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