Thanks to Bangsar Seafood for this dinner. It was a treat, much appreciated.

Boneless chicken with fruit sauce ensured a terrific start to our meal. Awesomely tender; if Wagyu chicken ever existed, it might taste like this.

Wasn't as enthusiastic about the red snapper in bean sauce. The natural flavour of the fish seemed overwhelmed in this preparation. But hey, I still took multiple helpings.

Salted egg yolk crabs were what I anticipated the most. They didn't disappoint; this platter packs a powerful punch for the palate. Would definitely order it whenever I'm back here.

Stewed Chinese cabbage with dried scallops and mushrooms. Probably the healthiest item that evening. Guilt-free comfort food to warm both the stomach and the soul.

Omelette with crab meat. Imaginatively presented and tasty enough, but not especially memorable. Then again, I'm not a huge lover of omelettes anyway.

Seafood fried rice. Not rave-worthy, but nicely done. Fluffy and not oily at all.

Stir-fried prawns in special curry. Loved this. A thick, rich concoction that provided a magnificent workout for the tastebuds.

Steamed bean curd. Looked alarmingly yellow, as if it had been sprayed with kunyit powder. But thankfully, it tasted perfectly fine.

Butter crabs. I wish I could remember how this tasted, but the whiskey wiped out my memory at this point. Am sure it was as deliriously divine as it looks.

The restaurant is offering a cool promo this Ramadan, with special menus priced from RM498+ that feature various assortments of nine dishes (not the ones above) and a free kilo of crabs.
Bangsar Seafood Garden,
One Bangsar.
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