Thursday, December 9, 2010


Turkish fare isn't our all-time favorite cuisine, but it's still worth considering if we're searching for something slightly more exotic than meat & potatoes.

Imam Bayildi, literally translated as "the imam fainted." Cold braised eggplant stuffed with onions & tomatoes, then simmered in olive oil. While we weren't exactly swooning over this recipe, the eggplant was nevertheless aromatic and pleasantly squishy enough to recommend.

Lentil soup. Not as thick as expected, but at least this tasted freshly made.

Pide bread. Would be better if there were more of the minced lamb topping.

Antep tomato dip. Mildly spicy. A decent dip, though hummus works better.

Doner kebab _ marinated grilled minced lamb, delicately sliced. Tastier and more tender than Kyros Kebab's version, of course, but lamb chops are more fun to sink our teeth into.

Split-belly eggplant, stuffed with chicken, tomatoes & spices. Awesomely addictive. More flavorful than the imam bayildi, with far more bite to it too.

Pistachio-topped kataifi. Sweet satisfaction, at the very end.

Ayran buttermilk & Turkish Coffee.

Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur.


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